Begins Within
Embark on the journey of learning who you are and what you are here to accomplish in life.
Custom sessions include psychic readings, intuitive counseling, energy healing, life coaching, and a connection to nature that will help you to find your footing, move forward, and grow on the path to creating a happier and healthier life each and every day.
Follow the Light
I offer healing, personal growth and expansion of consciousness through a discerning connection to wisdom beyond the body’s five traditional senses that will guide you to make the best decisions for your future and highest potential.
Discover Yourself
My psychic readings and intuitive guidance sessions will help you to handle life’s diverse challenges with strength and courage and move beyond emotions and ego through vibrational healing, color and sound therapy, and a connection to nature and the elements.
Tune Into Your Heart
When we begin to sense who we are from a place deep within, we connect to the spark of divinity within us. The heart chakra expands, and shame, blame and guilt begin to dissolve. We play and sing our own song. We celebrate being our own unique note in the divine harmony of the universe.
Connect With Purpose
Improve your relationships, find meaning in life, and uncover your creative gifts and talents with a skilled guide and intuitive reader who has more than 20 years of experience working one-on-one with individuals in person, online and through workshops.
Take the Next Step
Schedule a complimentary 10-minute consultation to discover how to start your journey of transformation and healing with Spencer.