Finding Freedom
Photo by Rejaul Karim on Unsplash.
When we honor the inner voice, we automatically send that powerful vibration into the world, and it helps us to achieve our soul-driven goals.
The sun gently highlights the colors of the wildflowers that are just emerging. The rapid growth after last night’s rain is mesmerizing. I relax and allow the energy of the sun, the plants, and the wildlife to drift through me. My mind settles. I am no longer the observer. I have become part of what I have been observing. Energetically and physically, I am part of this cycle of nature, this garden I seeded. At a deep level, it just feels right. Harmonious. Peaceful. I revel in the freedom of being unapologetically me, with my graces and flaws, and still allow myself to become an integral part of all that surrounds me.
This state of inner peace has been hard-won. It has not always been this way. We come to Earth with some basic goals. We rarely understand these goals with our conscious minds at first, but they are woven into our souls. Challenges are built-in so we can make decisions and experience the results. We make adjustments, change directions, or give up and sulk. The overriding purpose is growth—even when we miss the mark.
In my first year of growing, I missed the mark. My helper and I are inexperienced but enthusiastic gardeners. I wanted flowers, bird feeders and vegetables simultaneously. The results were educational.
My garden is my metaphor for life, which brings choices, boundaries, and the need for enough structure to accomplish something of value. Without boundaries, our efforts can be vague, with transient interests. With structure, we can stay focused and develop deeper wisdom from our efforts. The deeper the wisdom, the freer the soul.
Since we live in a world that marks time and gives us a somewhat limited physical capacity, choices are inevitable. If we try to do everything simultaneously, the results become more educational than satisfying, as in my first garden. I learned to delegate the bird feeder responsibilities. I observed the natural growth pattern of the individual plants and how they responded to my particular environment. I made choices.
We all have expectations when we set out to grow a garden or to live our lives. We have hopes and dreams and different approaches. Our goals may appear similar, but we are unique under the surface. I wanted to see how each plant responded to my ideas. I wanted to give these plants the freedom to flourish or not. Growing the largest tomato or a prize-winning squash was not necessarily my goal, but it easily could be for someone else. I was seeking plants that wanted to grow well in my surroundings. I was developing my personal relationship with nature.
My life has mirrored my gardening style. I have always been a voracious reader, but a school curriculum boxed me in. I dropped out of college early to get married since I had not acquired the structure to pursue my heart-centered goal of becoming a psychologist. I did not trust myself. I completed my education later when adult responsibilities had fostered that structure. I chose business to get my education over and done with. My mind decided it was practical. I doubled up my studies, then went straight into a stressful job. My mind praised my diligence. I learned from my career, but I was unsatisfied deep down.
Through a series of reversals and redirection, I was led away from business to a career that included healing myself and others through the spoken and written word, music and energy work. I have been an intuitive counselor for more than 20 years, with the freedom to structure my way. Joy comes as I feel a positive flow between myself and others. Laughter and deep peace are more a part of my life. I had circled back to the call of my soul.
When we honor the inner voice, we automatically send that powerful vibration into the world. That vibration attracts situations and solutions in answer to our circumstances. We become more attuned and in harmony within ourselves and our environments. We free ourselves from unnecessary and non-harmonious situations. When our minds and physical bodies are at peace, rested, and in harmony with our surroundings, we automatically attract to us what is necessary for our next step.
Recently, I chose to take more time off work. (Deep breath here.) I nap, I read, and I refuse to be stressed. Since I work for myself, I have some leeway. The money I missed came in unexpectedly from other sources, which is easier on me and has the potential to expand. The rhythm and balance in my life improved.
Take a chance. Listen to your intellect. Seek advice from other sources, but pay close attention to that inner voice. Let it lead you to find freedom—your way.