Elemental Wisdom: Writings from the Heart

Make Room for Sacred Space
The aura creates our personal sacred space—and it is one of our most precious sanctuaries to protect and honor.

We Are Light
When we can still the mind and work with the energetic system of the Universe, we begin to open ourselves to so much more beneficial information.

A Few Words About Prana…or is it Called Chi?
There is a non-visible, vitalizing life force field “out there” that is conscious and intelligent. It’s called Prana or Chi, and it is universal. It is all around us and within us and within all life. It is THE energy of the universe. We breathe it in with every breath. We circulate it throughout our bodies with thought and physical movement.

Energetic Patterns of Chi
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) recognizes Five Elements that make up the five basic aspects of vital life force energy or Chi: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal (or Air), and Water. Nature is the source of metaphors for describing Chi, and this article will help you understand the essence of these Five Elements and how their corresponding patterns in nature are interconnected with human emotions, health, diet, movement and more.