Make Room for Sacred Space
The aura creates our personal sacred space—and it is one of our most precious sanctuaries to protect and honor.
What is sacred space?
It can be a building, a place in nature, or any defined area deemed sacred or holy for a specific purpose. In the case of the human body, it is the aura that creates our individual sacred space. Made up of layers of increasingly fine bands of subtle energy, it is a type of filter and processor of vibrations in a world of constant activity—and it is one of our most precious sanctuaries to protect and honor.
Since everything, everywhere, including every thought, word and deed, carries a particular frequency of energy, we are exposed to a wide variety of vibrations, positive and negative, light and dark. We draw into our auras (aka, subtle energy fields) all of these vibrations that are then directed to the various layers of our energy field for processing.
Supportive vibes from others can add to our well-being. Still, we encounter so much that is energetically heavy and dense. This heaviness pulls our vibration down and sullies our auras. Daily news. Political strife. Chaos. Warfare. Heightened emotions. Uncertainty. Noise pollution. It is constant, and it can be overwhelming. Our inner light has to shine through a clouded lens. We more easily drop into negativity with our attitudes and emotions. Not only that, the denseness of these energies can move from our aura to the physical body, creating physical problems with the organs and other aspects of our health.
The “cleaner” we keep our auras, the more Light (high-frequency spiritual energy) we can bring into our personal sacred space. How do we do this? The most obvious answer is to maintain proper hygiene. A shower can remove more than the residue on our physical bodies. It cleanses the aura, too. Think of how much lighter you feel after bathing in refreshing water. What you may not know is that you are clearing vibrational debris as well. The stands of your hair, for example, act as antennae that send and receive subtle communication. It is worth remembering that highly sensitive people constantly receive communication from others this way—whether they want to or not! This alone could be an incentive to keep the hair clean. Burning sage and weaving it through the aura can clear out energetic debris very quickly. Wafting certain essential oils around the head and body can help, or spraying something like Florida Water, especially around the head, can lighten the auric space. Walking outside, being in nature, and absorbing the sunlight can help clear the denser energies. These are all suggestions for immediate help.
However, the most effective solution to keep your aura in top shape long-term is to maintain a daily spiritual practice of prayer, meditation, and body movement based on energy principles. Qi gong, yoga and tai chi are examples that can activate and move the stuck energy within our physical bodies, especially when executed as a meditation to clear and elevate.
While most understand intellectually that we should pray, meditate and physically move our bodies, many don’t actually take the next step and engage in action. If you are in this group, start simple, and remember that even a small amount of time with a spiritual practice helps.
Those who use a daily practice to help clear, center and elevate their consciousness—their sacred space—generate a purity that disperses all unhealthy thoughts and distractions. When we reach this level, we feel the aura expand. We sense our inner Light glowing in harmony and joy. We receive in awe the power and breadth of wisdom pouring into us. We reach a new level of understanding every time we have this experience. We find new ways to handle our daily problems. We revel in the joy, the gratitude, the beauty, the harmony, the peace of it all.
This practice is open to all who choose to put in the effort. It takes patience and dedication, but we learn to appreciate who we are as a soul. The acquired fears of hurt, anger, frustration, shame, and other forms of negativity begin to dissipate. We revel humbly, but with joy, in the Love that we experience in our personal sacred space.
Thirty spokes converge upon a single hub.
It is on the hole in the center that the use
Of the cart hinges
We make a vessel from a lump of clay.
It is the empty space within the vessel
That makes it useful.
We make doors and windows for a room.
It is these empty spaces that make the room livable.
Thus, while the tangible has advantages,
It is the intangible that makes it useful.
—Lao Tzu, The Tao Teh Ching