A Year of Power

A group of happy women blowing confetti.

In 2024 we have the opportunity to hone our soul qualities and create our realities through loving, compassionate connections.

A brand-new year is unfolding, and it is already showing signs of being a wild ride. According to numerology, 2024 is an 8—a “Year of Power.” Chinese culture associates the number 8 with abundance and success and considers it the luckiest number—success with power.  However, in our world of duality, how that power is expressed is up to the individual. Are we creating our realities through a loving, compassionate connection with the higher frequencies, or are we working the shadow side of power and using dominance and manipulation to gain what we want?

As we are influenced by the vibrational essence of 8, we can use the boost to expand “correct understanding” by listening, observing and feeling. Working with this energy can open us to abundant information about what is happening beneath the surface of all we encounter.  

Higher frequencies of energy have been pouring into Earth for more than a decade. These frequencies have provided help for the many souls who are working to elevate consciousness. The more individual consciousness is elevated, the higher the group consciousness is elevated, which raises the frequency of the earth plane. The higher the Earth’s frequency, the easier it becomes to attract higher incoming frequencies. This is one of the aspects of Spiritual Law, more commonly referred to as the Law of Attraction. Like attracts Like. Fears and muddy remnants of past errors are being dissolved and pushed away. Heavier—sometimes hidden—energies keep rising to the surface of our consciousness to be transmuted and released. We see the damage to the environment, politics, and world relations. We feel it in ourselves.

We struggle to close doors to what is no longer in our best interest. As we do, other doors open, and new adventures begin with a renewed awareness of who we are at our core. 

There is a flip side. We are present on Earth to experience duality and creativity as individuals. Some people stay resistant to change and remain in patterns they understand. They hold firm to the older energy. This is their choice. As individuals, we experience what it is like to work with Spiritual Law, create our reality, and suffer or enjoy the results. These results are not meant to glorify or punish. They are to help us learn, as individuals, how to adjust our creative expressions to what is in our ultimate best interest. There is no one best path.

We were granted a form of free will to experience Earth, to experiment with creation, and to witness the experiences of other creative souls. While each soul has an individual creative expression, we are equal points of light that make up a whole. Everyone’s experience becomes part of our own experience. Every thought, every action, everywhere affects each of us. Even as we differ, we are one. Even as we deny and judge and fight, we are one. We learn compassion, patience, fortitude and other graces from understanding and working through the differences.  

Consider the attributes early settlers in the United States had to draw upon: courage, independent thinking, trust in self, persistence, inner strength, and faith in something greater than themselves. Their souls were stretched as they found the strength to survive and pursue. Many did not survive. Those who did brought a combination of unique qualities to the New World, qualities that formed the basis of a new ideology. That ideology was not easy to sustain. It required cooperation among people of many and varied backgrounds. The commonality among them was freedom. While it did not usher in the new Golden Age, it allowed our ancestors to flex their creative muscles and to grow and learn. As the generations passed, we did grow. We learned.

To live harmoniously with ourselves and others at this level, most of us need to elevate the frequencies of some of our soul attributes. Qualities such as courage, faith, self-reliance, honesty, integrity, wisdom, patience and compassion are examples that ease the transformation within us to a higher, finer level of Love. Attributes such as overconfidence, bigotry, carelessness, naivete, vengefulness, stagnation, gullibility, suspicion and stubbornness are stumbling blocks to elevating our frequency.

It is challenging to explore deep within ourselves. Many have not developed the confidence and determination necessary. It can be confusing or frightening to confront traits developed by our egos. As we experience new challenges, we have the opportunity to hone our soul qualities and become more willing to venture into the unknown. We can find inner freedom from constrictions and control. We recognize what is out of balance within ourselves and know how to take the steps to bring it back into alignment.

It is time to examine and replace the safety net of outdated patterns and perspectives. As we develop faith in ourselves, we can grow with honor for the past AND respect for ourselves as pioneers in a new age.



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